Source code for ipyvolume.examples

import numpy as np
import ipyvolume
from numpy import cos, sin, sqrt, pi

	import scipy.ndimage
	import scipy.special
	pass # it's ok, it's not crucial
__all__ = ["example_ylm"]

def xyz(shape=128, limits=[-3, 3], spherical=False, sparse=True, centers=False):
	dim = 3
		shape = [shape] * dim
		limits = [limits] * dim
	if centers:
		#print([(   vmin+(vmax-vmin)/float(N)/2, vmax-(vmax-vmin)/float(N)/4, (vmax-vmin)/float(N)) for (vmin, vmax), N in zip(limits, shape)])
		v = [slice(vmin+(vmax-vmin)/float(N)/2, vmax-(vmax-vmin)/float(N)/4, (vmax-vmin)/float(N)) for (vmin, vmax), N in zip(limits, shape)]
		v = [slice(vmin, vmax+(vmax-vmin)/float(N)/2, (vmax-vmin)/float(N-1)) for (vmin, vmax), N in zip(limits, shape)]
	if sparse:
		x, y, z = np.ogrid.__getitem__(v)
		x, y, z = np.mgrid.__getitem__(v)
	if spherical:
		r = np.linalg.norm([x, y, z])
		theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
		phi = np.arccos(z / r)
		return x, y, z, r, theta, phi
		return x, y, z

[docs]def example_ylm(m=0, n=2, shape=128, limits=[-4, 4], draw=True, show=True, **kwargs): import ipyvolume.pylab as p3 __, __, __, r, theta, phi = xyz(shape=shape, limits=limits, spherical=True) radial = np.exp(-(r - 2) ** 2) data = np.abs(scipy.special.sph_harm(m, n, theta, phi) ** 2) * radial if draw: vol = p3.volshow(data=data, **kwargs) if show: return vol else: return data
#return ipyvolume.volshow(data=data.T, **kwargs) def ball(rmax=3, rmin=0, shape=128, limits=[-4, 4], draw=True, show=True, **kwargs): import ipyvolume.pylab as p3 __, __, __, r, theta, phi = xyz(shape=shape, limits=limits, spherical=True) data = r * 0 data[(r < rmax) & (r >= rmin)] = 0.5 if "data_min" not in kwargs: kwargs["data_min"] = 0 if "data_max" not in kwargs: kwargs["data_max"] = 1 data = data.T if draw: vol = p3.volshow(data=data, **kwargs) if show: return vol else: return data # def klein_bottle(draw=True, show=True, figure8=False, endpoint=True, uv=True, wireframe=False, texture=None, both=False, interval=1000): import ipyvolume.pylab as p3 # u = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, num=40, endpoint=endpoint) v = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, num=40, endpoint=endpoint) u, v = np.meshgrid(u, v) if both: x1, y1, z1, u1, v1 = klein_bottle(endpoint=endpoint, draw=False, show=False) x2, y2, z2, u2, v2 = klein_bottle(endpoint=endpoint, draw=False, show=False, figure8=True) x = [x1, x2] y = [y1, y2] z = [z1, z2] else: if figure8: #u -= np.pi #v -= np.pi a = 2 s = 5 x = s * (a + cos(u / 2) * sin(v) - sin(u / 2) * sin(2 * v)/2) * cos(u) y = s * (a + cos(u / 2) * sin(v) - sin(u / 2) * sin(2 * v)/2) * sin(u) z = s * (sin(u / 2) * sin(v) + cos(u / 2) * sin(2 * v)/2) else: r = 4 * (1 - cos(u) / 2) x = 6 * cos(u) * (1 + sin(u)) \ + r * cos(u) * cos(v) * (u < pi) \ + r * cos(v + pi) * (u >= pi) y = 16 * sin(u) + r * sin(u) * cos(v) * (u < pi) z = r * sin(v) if draw: if texture: uv = True if uv: mesh = p3.plot_mesh(x, y, z, wrapx=not endpoint, wrapy=not endpoint, u=u/(2*np.pi), v=v/(2*np.pi), wireframe=wireframe, texture=texture) else: mesh = p3.plot_mesh(x, y, z, wrapx=not endpoint, wrapy=not endpoint, wireframe=wireframe, texture=texture) if show: if both: p3.animation_control(mesh, interval=interval) p3.squarelim() return mesh else: return x, y, z, u, v import warnings def brain(draw=True, show=True, fiducial=True, flat=True, inflated=True, subject='S1', interval=1000, uv=True, color=None): import ipyvolume as ipv try: import cortex except: warnings.warn("it seems pycortex is not installed, which is needed for this example") raise xlist, ylist, zlist = [], [], [] polys_list = [] def add(pts, polys): xlist.append(pts[:,0]) ylist.append(pts[:,1]) zlist.append(pts[:,2]) polys_list.append(polys) def n(x): return (x - x.min()) / x.ptp() if fiducial or color is True: pts, polys = cortex.db.get_surf('S1', 'fiducial', merge=True) x, y, z = pts.T r = n(x) g = n(y) b = n(z) if color is True: color = np.array([r,g,b]).T.copy() else: color = None if fiducial: add(pts, polys) else: if color is False: color = None if inflated: add(*cortex.db.get_surf('S1', 'inflated', merge=True, nudge=True)) u = v = None if flat or uv: pts, polys = cortex.db.get_surf('S1', 'flat', merge=True, nudge=True) x, y, z = pts.T u = n(x) v = n(y) if flat: add(pts, polys) polys_list.sort(key=lambda x: len(x)) polys = polys_list[0] if draw: if color is None: mesh = ipv.plot_trisurf(xlist, ylist, zlist, polys, u=u, v=v) else: mesh = ipv.plot_trisurf(xlist, ylist, zlist, polys, color=color, u=u, v=v) if show: if len(x) > 1: ipv.animation_control(mesh, interval=interval) ipv.squarelim() return mesh else: return xlist, ylist, zlist, polys def head(draw=True, show=True, max_shape=256): # inspired by import ipyvolume as ipv from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev, interp1d # First part is a simpler version of setting up the transfer function. Interpolation with higher order # splines does not work well, the original must do sth different colors = [[.91, .7, .61, 0.], [.91, .7, .61, 80.], [1.0, 1.0, .85, 82.], [1.0, 1.0, .85, 256]] x = np.array([k[-1] for k in colors]) rgb = np.array([k[:3] for k in colors]) N = 256 xnew = np.linspace(0, 256, N) tf_data = np.zeros((N, 4)) k = 1 s = 1 # kind = 'quadratic' kind = 'linear' for channel in range(3): # spline_data = splrep(x, rgb[:,channel], k=k, s=s) # ynew = splev(xnew, spline_data) f = interp1d(x, rgb[:,channel], kind=kind) ynew = f(xnew) tf_data[:,channel] = ynew alphas = [[0, 0], [0, 40], [0.2, 60], [0.05, 63], [0, 80], [0.9, 82], [1., 256]] x = np.array([k[1]*1. for k in alphas]) y = np.array([k[0]*1. for k in alphas]) # spline_data = splrep(x, y, k=k, s=s) # ynew = splev(xnew, spline_data) f = interp1d(x, y, kind=kind) ynew = f(xnew) tf_data[:,3] = ynew tf = ipv.TransferFunction(rgba=tf_data.astype(np.float32)) head_data = ipv.datasets.head.fetch().data if draw: vol = ipv.volshow(head_data, tf=tf, max_shape=max_shape) if show: return vol else: return head_data def gaussian(N=1000, draw=True, show=True, seed=42, color=None, marker='sphere'): import ipyvolume as ipv rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x, y, z = rng.normal(size=(3, N)) if draw: if color: mesh = ipv.scatter(x, y, z, marker=marker, color=color) else: mesh = ipv.scatter(x, y, z, marker=marker) if show: #ipv.squarelim() return mesh else: return x, y, z