Source code for ipyvolume.pylab

_last_figure = None
import ipywidgets
from IPython.display import display
from . import volume
import ipyvolume.embed
import os
import numpy as np
import shutil

def _docsubst(f):
	"""Perform docstring substitutions"""
	f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.format(**_doc_snippets)
	return f

_doc_snippets = {}
_doc_snippets["color"] = "string format, examples for red:'red', '#f00', '#ff0000' or 'rgb(1,0,0)"
_doc_snippets["size"] = "float representing the size of the glyph in fraction of the viewport, where 1. is full viewport"
_doc_snippets["marker"] = "name of the marker, options are: 'arrow', 'box', 'diamond', 'sphere'"
_doc_snippets["x"] = "1d numpy array with x positions"
_doc_snippets["u"] = "1d numpy array indicating the x direction"

class current:
	figure = None
	container = None
	figures = {}
	containers = {}

[docs]def clear(): """Remove current figure (and container)""" current.container = None current.figure = None
[docs]def figure(key=None, width=400, height=500, lighting=True, controls=True, debug=False): """Create a new figure (if no key is given) or return the figure associated with key :param key: Python object that identifies this figure :param width: pixel width of WebGL canvas :param height: .. height .. :param lighting: use lighting or not :param controls: show controls or not :param debug: show debug buttons or not :return: """ if key is not None and key in current.figures: current.figure = current.figures[key] current.container = current.containers[key] else: current.figure = volume.VolumeRendererThree(data=None) current.container = ipywidgets.VBox() current.container.children = [current.figure] if key is not None: current.figures[key] = current.figure current.containers[key] = current.container if controls: stereo = ipywidgets.ToggleButton(value=current.figure.stereo, description='stereo', icon='eye') fullscreen = ipywidgets.ToggleButton(value=current.figure.stereo, description='fullscreen', icon='arrows-alt') l1 = ipywidgets.jslink((current.figure, 'stereo'), (stereo, 'value')) l2 = ipywidgets.jslink((current.figure, 'fullscreen'), (fullscreen, 'value')) current.container.children += (ipywidgets.HBox([stereo, fullscreen]),) if debug: show = ipywidgets.ToggleButtons(options=["Volume", "Back", "Front"]) current.container.children += (show,) ipywidgets.jslink((current.figure, 'show'), (show, 'value')) return current.figure
[docs]def gcf(): """Get current figure, or create a new one""" if current.figure is None: return figure() else: return current.figure
def _grow_limit(limits, values): finites = np.isfinite(values) newvmin = np.min(values[finites]) newvmax = np.max(values[finites]) if limits is None: return newvmin, newvmax else: vmin, vmax = limits return min(newvmin, vmin), max(newvmax, vmax) def _grow_limits(x, y, z): fig = gcf() xlim(*_grow_limit(fig.xlim, x)) ylim(*_grow_limit(fig.ylim, y)) zlim(*_grow_limit(fig.zlim, z))
[docs]def xlim(xmin, xmax): """Set limits of x axis""" fig = gcf() fig.xlim = [xmin, xmax]
[docs]def ylim(ymin, ymax): """Set limits of y axis""" fig = gcf() fig.ylim = [ymin, ymax]
[docs]def zlim(zmin, zmax): """Set limits of zaxis""" fig = gcf() fig.zlim = [zmin, zmax]
[docs]def xyzlim(vmin, vmax): """Set limits or all axis the same""" xlim(vmin, vmax) ylim(vmin, vmax) zlim(vmin, vmax)
default_color = "red" default_color_selected = "white" default_size = 0.02 default_size_selected = default_size*1.3 @_docsubst
[docs]def scatter(x, y, z, color=default_color, s=default_size, ss=default_size_selected, color_selected=default_color_selected, marker="diamond", selection=None, **kwargs): """Create a scatter 3d plot with :param x: {x} :param y: :param z: :param color: {color} :param s: {size} :param ss: like size, but for selected glyphs :param color_selected: like color, but for selected glyphs :param marker: {marker} :param selection: array with indices of x,y,z arrays of the selected markers, which can have a different size and color :param kwargs: :return: """ fig = gcf() _grow_limits(x, y, z) scatter = volume.Scatter(x=x, y=y, z=z, color=color, size=s, color_selected=color_selected, size_selected=ss, geo=marker, selection=selection, **kwargs) fig.scatters = fig.scatters + [scatter] return scatter
[docs]def quiver(x, y, z, u, v, w, s=default_size*10, ss=default_size_selected*10, color=default_color, color_selected=default_color_selected, marker="arrow", **kwargs): """Create a quiver plot, which is like a scatter plot but with arrows pointing in the direction given by u, v and w :param x: {x}, for convenience the array is flattened if not 1d. :param y: :param z: :param u: {u} :param v: :param w: :param s: {size} :param ss: like size, but for selected glyphs :param color: {color} :param color_selected: like color, but for selected glyphs :param marker: (currently only 'arrow' would make sense) :param kwargs: :return: """ fig = gcf() _grow_limits(x, y, z) scatter = volume.Scatter(x=x.flatten(), y=y.flatten(), z=z.flatten(), vx=u.flatten(), vy=v.flatten(), vz=w.flatten(), color=color, size=s, color_selected=color_selected, size_selected=ss, geo=marker, **kwargs) fig.scatters = fig.scatters + [scatter] return scatter
[docs]def show(): """Display (like in IPython.display.dispay(...) the current figure""" gcf() # make sure we have something.. display(gcc())
def gcc(): """Return the current container, that is the widget holding the figure and all the control widgets, buttons etc.""" gcf() # make sure we have something.. return current.container
[docs]def transfer_function(level=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], opacity=[0.01, 0.05, 0.1], level_width=0.1, controls=True): """Create a transfer function, see volshow""" tf_kwargs = {} # level, opacity and widths can be scalars try: level[0] except: level = [level] try: opacity[0] except: opacity = [opacity] * 3 try: level_width[0] except: level_width = [level_width] * 3 #clip off lists min_length = min(len(level), len(level_width), len(opacity)) level = list(level[:min_length]) opacity = list(opacity[:min_length]) level_width = list(level_width[:min_length]) # append with zeros while len(level) < 3: level.append(0) while len(opacity) < 3: opacity.append(0) while len(level_width) < 3: level_width.append(0) for i in range(1,4): tf_kwargs["level"+str(i)] = level[i-1] tf_kwargs["opacity"+str(i)] = opacity[i-1] tf_kwargs["width"+str(i)] = level_width[i-1] tf = volume.TransferFunctionWidgetJs3(**tf_kwargs) fig = gcf() if controls: current.container.children = (tf.control(), ) + current.container.children return tf
[docs]def volshow(data, lighting=False, data_min=None, data_max=None, tf=None, stereo=False, ambient_coefficient=0.5, diffuse_coefficient=0.8, specular_coefficient=0.5, specular_exponent=5, downscale=1, level=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], opacity=[0.01, 0.05, 0.1], level_width=0.1, controls=True): """Visualize a 3d array using volume rendering. Currently only 1 volume can be rendered. :param data: 3d numpy array :param lighting: boolean, to use lighting or not, if set to false, lighting parameters will be overriden :param data_min: minimum value to consider for data, if None, computed using np.nanmin :param data_max: maximum value to consider for data, if None, computed using np.nanmax :param tf: transfer function (or a default one) :param stereo: stereo view for virtual reality (cardboard and similar VR head mount) :param ambient_coefficient: lighting parameter :param diffuse_coefficient: lighting parameter :param specular_coefficient: lighting parameter :param specular_exponent: lighting parameter :param downscale: downscale the rendering for better performance, for instance when set to 2, a 512x512 canvas will show a 256x256 rendering upscaled, but it will render twice as fast. :param level: level(s) for the where the opacity in the volume peaks, maximum sequence of length 3 :param opacity: opacity(ies) for each level, scalar or sequence of max length 3 :param level_width: width of the (gaussian) bumps where the opacity peaks, scalar or sequence of max length 3 :param controls: add controls for lighting and transfer function or not :return: """ if tf is None: tf = transfer_function(level, opacity, level_width, controls=controls) if data_min is None: data_min = np.nanmin(data) if data_max is None: data_max = np.nanmax(data) vol = gcf() = tf vol.data_min = data_min vol.data_max = data_max = data vol.stereo = stereo vol.ambient_coefficient = ambient_coefficient vol.diffuse_coefficient = diffuse_coefficient vol.specular_coefficient = specular_coefficient vol.specular_exponent = specular_exponent if controls: ambient_coefficient = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, step=0.001, value=vol.ambient_coefficient, description="ambient") diffuse_coefficient = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, step=0.001, value=vol.diffuse_coefficient, description="diffuse") specular_coefficient = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=1, step=0.001, value=vol.specular_coefficient, description="specular") specular_exponent = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=10, step=0.001, value=vol.specular_exponent, description="specular exp") # angle2 = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max=np.pi*2, value=v.angle2, description="angle2") ipywidgets.jslink((vol, 'ambient_coefficient'), (ambient_coefficient, 'value')) ipywidgets.jslink((vol, 'diffuse_coefficient'), (diffuse_coefficient, 'value')) ipywidgets.jslink((vol, 'specular_coefficient'), (specular_coefficient, 'value')) ipywidgets.jslink((vol, 'specular_exponent'), (specular_exponent, 'value')) widgets_bottom = [ipywidgets.HBox([ambient_coefficient, diffuse_coefficient]), ipywidgets.HBox([specular_coefficient, specular_exponent])] current.container.children += tuple(widgets_bottom, ) return vol
def save(filename, copy_js=True): """Save the figure/visualization as html file, and optionally copy the .js file to the same directory """ ipyvolume.embed.embed_html(filename, current.container) if copy_js: dir_name_dst = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) dir_name_src = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(ipyvolume.__path__[0]), "static") dst = os.path.join(dir_name_dst, "ipyvolume.js") src = os.path.join(dir_name_src, "index.js") shutil.copy(src, dst)